Cinnabar Valley Farms Donation

(Reposted with Corrections)

This Thanksgiving we would like to send out a big thank you to Cinnabar Farms for the extremely generous donations they made in the Spring of 2024 of bulk manure and supplies for our transplant mix. 

The products were primarily used in our gardens and greenhouse at Beban Learning Gardens.  We happily received bags of Cinnabar Farms Seed Starting mix as well as peat for our transplant mix.   These are used to produce seedlings at our spring transplant sales, and for our Winter Gardening event and sales.   The aim of our sales is to engage and assist gardeners in growing more food in Nanaimo.  We have many experienced gardeners available at our sales to answer gardening, and especially food gardening questions.

Seedy Sunday At NDSS

The donation of Cinnabar Farms Steer Manure was especially generous this year, so we decided to find a way to be able to share!  The abundance  allowed us to donate more than transplants to the school and social housing gardens we love to support.  We rebagged steer manure into used (always looking for ways to re-use!) Cinnabar Steer Manure bags and included some of these in all the transplant donation pick ups.  

First of two School Garden Transplant Donations go out in April so students get a chance to harvest during school year!

Thank You Cinnabar Farms!

Your generous donation helped us to 

Grow more healthy seedlings,

Support gardeners to grow more food in Nanaimo,

Share soil enriching manure with school gardens and social housing gardens that we support.

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