Fall/Winter Vegetable Garden

After your Garlic is harvested, your Lettuce and Arugula bolted, and peas finished, is your garden looking a little on the empty side? Perfect! Because now is a great time to sow for late summer/fall/winter harvesting!

At Beban Learning Gardens we still have fall/winter transplants available for sale – including some fantastic overwintering varieties of vegetables. More coming available over the next month! Currently we are available for sales Monday 4-6pm, Wednesday and Saturday 10-12!

Also remember now is a great time to consider sowing:
Arugula, Beets, Chard, Chervil, Choys, Cilantro, Endive, Dill, Green Onions, Kale, Kohlrabi, Napa Cabbage, Lettuce (best with some shade), Parsley, Short season Peas, Radish, Tokyo Bekana.

In August add sow or transplant Choys, plus mustards including Mizuna, Giant Red, also sow Miners Lettuce and Corn Salad. In early August sow spinach for fall. In late August sow more spinach for overwintering with some protection, as well try sowing White Lisbon onions to transplant in September for early spring thinings of green onions, then white bulb onions in May/June from the spaced plants left.

New to most of us are the bigger radish, these are great to sow in August. Some we harvest and eat in late autumn, others may be stored. Look for varieties like Watermelon, Noir Long, any Daikon including Wasabi (as well as your standard salad radish) to sow now through October.

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