Tomatoes – 2024 Varieties
Note that all of our tomatoes are open-pollinated varieties from which you can save your own seed.
Cherry Tomatoes:
Black Cherry: These purple-chocolate – black cherry fruits have big heirloom taste. Thin skinned juicy sweet medium cherry tomato. Prolific. Does well in garden, greenhouse and containers. Pick nearly ripe fruit before a rain as they are prone to splitting. 70 days. Indet.
Galina: Potato leaf variety bright yellow cherry tomatoes approx 1” diameter. The fruit has nice burst of subtle sweetness and resists cracking! Can be picked anytime but let ripen to golden yellow for the richest taste. They’ll last for 2-3 months after picking too! Ind. 65-75 days
Gardeners Delight: Clusters of the sweetest large-sized cherry tomatoes! A heavy producer and a reliable variety even in a cool summer. These plants can get very tall, with great production, so benefit from support. Does well in large patio containers. Long trusses of mid-size red cherry tomatoes. Very flavourful and prolific. 65 days. Indet.
Gold Nugget: Early with high yields. Ideal for containers. Matures in 60 days. Det.
Hanging Basket: Dense, low. Ideal for baskets or patio containers. Deep red fruit. Mid-season ripening.
Honey Drop: Honey Drop gets an A+!! Small golden fruit grows in clusters and hang like grapes on the vine. So succulent that you can polish off the lot of them as if they really were grapes! A VERY tasty early cherry tomato.! Indeterminate 64 days.
Matt’s Wild Cherry : Plants bear loads of intensely sweet, tart, and flavorful, ½ inch, deep red cherry tomatoes. Plants are vigorous, disease-resistant, and sprawling. 55 days. Indeterminate. OP 55 days
(Metchosin) Strawberry Cherry : The perfect balance of sweet and tangy, heavy cascades of single to triple-stemmed fruit clusters and a gorgeous pinky-red colour and a pearly ghosting make this variety an all-around winner. Indeterminate.
Sweetie: Unique, rich flavour; Sweet enough to use for preserves with no added sugar! Firm but not tough, crack-resistant, bright red 2 – 3 cm fruit. Generous clusters and excellent yields. Sweetie will produce well and taste fantastic even in a cold wet summer.! Indeterminate/Vine.
Medium-Big Tomatoes:
Cherokee Purple: Beefsteak size, dusty red to purple with a dark red interior. Intense flavour. Indeterminate.
Hawaiian Pineapple: Golden-orange beefsteak heirloom up to 1 ½ lb. When fruit is ripe it has a luscious, very rich, sweet pineapple-like flavour. Indeterminate.
Mortgage Lifter: Unique and historical, has large, well-shaped beefsteak fruit with dark-pink skin that can reach more than 1 kg (2 lbs.). With few seeds and meaty insides, this tomato makes a perfect tomato sandwich. Great for polytunnel production as it is both delicious and high yielding. Indeterminate.
Oxheart-Albenga: Bears big, 10-16 oz teardrops with meaty centers and narrow seed cavities around the margin. It’s origins are in northern Italy along the coast and it develops superior flavor in our cool maritime growing season. Excellent sliced and eaten raw, but extraordinary roasted! Better crack and blossom end rot resistance than the other oxhearts we’ve grown, with a good fruit set and a fairly concentrated mid-late season harvest period. Indeterminate. 85 days
Siletz: Large meaty red slicer with wonderful flavour; thrives in adverse conditions, can be set out when nighttime temperatures steady at 7C instead of 10C as most tomatoes prefer. Parthenocarpic so sets fruit easily in cool weather, early yields. Matures in 55-70 days. Determinant.
Sauce/Paste Tomatoes:
Mark’s Plum: Medium-sized vine. Gorgeous big plum tomatoes. Grown and saved locally Oxheart-Albenga: Bears big, 10-16 oz teardrops with meaty centers and narrow seed cavities around the margin. Excellent sliced and eaten raw, but extraordinary roasted! Better crack and blossom end rot resistance than other oxhearts we’ve grown, with a good fruit set and a fairly concentrated mid-late season harvest period. Indeterminate. 85 days
Striped Roma: Unique! These long, roma-shaped tomatoes have orange stripes running down the length of the fruit. Tomatoes are very thick and meaty with a nice rich flavor. Plants stay moderately compact and have a good yield. Indeterminate/Vine. 75-80 days.
Small-Medium Tomatoes
Gardeners Delight: Clusters of the sweetest large-sized cherry tomatoes! A heavy producer and a reliable variety even in a cool summer. These plants can get very tall, with great production, so benefit from support. Does well in large patio containers. Indeterminate.
Green Zebra: Incredibly popular; matures by mid-season and forms golf ball-sized fruits, mottled lime-green streaked with yellow. Flavour intense, slightly tart – perfect for use in salsas or sandwiches. Matures in 75 days. Indeterminate/Vine.
Japanese Black Trifele: 2 ½” – 3” long pear-shaped; green streaked to mahogany to nearly black. Very crack-resistant. Rich, complex flavour. Matures in 80 – 85 days. Indeterminate/Vine.
Jaune Flamme: French HEIRLOOM salad tomato with persimmon orange skin and flesh. Incredibly productive; flavour is maintained even when they are dried. Indeterminate/Vine. OP 70 days.
Moneymaker: English heirloom. Very vigorous and productive of clusters of red fruit 2” across. Well-suited to garden or greenhouse. Indeterminate/Vine. OP 90 days.
Red Zebra: Late season and quite productive. The bright red fruit with jagged orangish mottling range in size from 1½ to 2½ inch and are globe-shaped. They are juicy and mild flavored with salty notes and a delicious, slightly tart aftertaste. Likes protection from the rain. Indet. OP 93 days. Slava: A delicious, Early, blight-resistant tomato bearing lots of round, red 2” fruit. Slava means Glory in Czech. Matures in 65 days. Indeterminate. Fantastic for a pot!
Yellow Ukrainian: Heavy producing, mid-season tomatoes with 2-3” fruit of excellent flavour. Indeterminate.