2023 Beban Learning Gardens – Tomatillos

Tomatillo – 2024

Note that all of our warm weather varieties are open-pollinated varieties from which you can save your own seed.

Aunt Molly’s Ground Cherry:  Tiny fruit with sweet tropical flavour.  Peel husk off to eat. Drops to the ground when ripe; used in salads, jams, sauces. OP

Cape Gooseberry: Sweet Tart fruit with a bright flavour, still inside papery husk. Plants are up to 5 feet high and are grown as annuals outside, but can be multi-year if kept above freezing in winter.  We overwinter in the on-site unheated greenhouse. OP

De Milpa Tomatillo: Medium-sized showy fruit, green with dk. purple blush; stores very well after being picked; great for fresh salsa. OP

Francois Tomatillo:   introduced into Canada by a famous chef, and initially produced by Sunshine Farm Seeds in Kelowna. This is the fantastic very large green tomatillo with fruits averaging about 7cm in diameter, with some the size of an apple. Large sprawling plants produce an abundance of large fruits that can store in a cooler for over a month after harvest.

Queen of Malinalco: This surprising long and narrow fruit ripens from green to lemon yellow. When fully ripe is fruitier and sweeter than the standard tomatillo species, being sweet enough to eat fresh, but also makes a great salsa addition or salse verde that has fruitier “pineapple and mango-ish” highlights. The largest fruits can also be stuffed like a mini pepper.